What are the foods that are good and bad for teeth?

Many of our favorite holidays are just around the corner, so you might be trying to reassess your dental health this time of year. You might be attending parties or traveling to see family and want your smile to look it’s best! This is why our dental practice becomes very busy towards the end of the year. But we would say the biggest reason we get busy during the winter is that most people need to use their dental benefits before they run out at the end of the year, they could be missing out on thousands of dollars!

Along with all the merrymaking, it is understandable that we may indulge here and there with food and drinks, so feel free to review the list below of possible food and drinks which might be considered good or bad for your teeth. There is always room for improvement and incorporating a habit of healthy foods can help significantly fight tooth decay.

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Foods that are bad for teeth:

  1. Sugary Food, Sticky and Hard Candies - Your saliva has a hard time washing sugar away. Sticky candies stay in your teeth for a longer period of time and cause tooth decay. Hard candies are harmful to your teeth as it can cause cracking, damaged enamel or chipped tooth.

  2. Citrus-heavy Foods and Drinks- Acidic foods and drinks damage the enamel and this can lead to tooth decay. To some, the acid in food and fruits also causes mouth sores.

  3. Starchy, Refined Carbohydrates- Saliva breaks down starchy food into sugar and transforms it into a sticky substance that gets stuck in our teeth crevices, and could result in cavities.

  4. Alcohol- Heavy alcohol consumption increases your risk of mouth cancer, oral infection, gum disease, and tooth decay. Alcohol dehydrates the mouth and decreases saliva production. Saliva is important to wash away food particles in the mouth.

  5. Crunchy Foods- Chips and crackers are starchy food which turns into sugar once saliva breaks it down. As bread and pasta, the starch turns into a gummy paste and stick to our teeth which make it more difficult to clean and cause tooth decay.

  6. Beverages with added sugar - Drinks with added sugar such as sports drinks or store-bought juice have sugar as one of their highest ingredients. Not only do they affect teeth’s enamel, but they also stain and discolor your teeth.

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Foods that are good for the teeth:

  1. Celery - Due to its fibrous nature, celery acts like a toothbrush, scraping food particles and bacteria away from your teeth. It’s a good source of vitamins A and C. Vitamins A and C are antioxidants that are great for the health of your gums.

  2. Cheese - Cheese increases saliva production when eaten. Cheese also contains calcium and protein that strengthen tooth enamel.

  3. Almonds - Almonds are a good source of calcium and protein that aid in healthy mouth and teeth.

  4. Apples - Apples are high in fiber and water. Eating an apple produces saliva in your mouth, which rinses away bacteria and food particles. The fibrous texture of the fruit also stimulates the gums. 

  5. Yogurt - Yogurt is high in calcium and protein, which strengthens your teeth and make them healthy. The probiotics, or good bacteria, found in yogurt also benefit your gums because the good bacteria crowd out the bad bacteria that cause cavities. 

  6. Leafy Greens - Leafy Greens full of vitamins and minerals while being low in calories. Leafy greens such as kale and spinach promote oral health. These greens are high in calcium which builds your teeth's enamel. They also contain folic acid, a type of B vitamin, that can prevent gum disease.

Please enjoy your time with friends and family, because a positive attitude is the #1 way to enhance your smile!

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